Making Money with Gelar: How To Farm Gold in WoW Without Playing For Hours

How To Farm Gold in WoW Without Playing For Hours

If you were wondering how to farm gold in WoW without having to play for large periods of time, or if it's even possible, then you came to the right place. Most players think that in order to become rich in the game, you have to play every day for the most part of the day. Well that isn't true. There is a way in which anyone can farm gold in WoW without having to play for more than 30 minutes and won't even need a maximum level character.
Now I know most people ask themselves, why need gold in the game? The best items must be gained from PvP and raids. To be honest, the rich people say that. But the rest of the players need gold to buy better gear that they have until they get something from a raid, they need gold for consumables, and they also need it for repairs and such.
So where can a newbie, or someone who isn't to good at the game, get that kind of gold? Sure they can try farming mobs at a random camp, but that won't help them at all. They will just waste time and maybe even end up having less gold. Well here is their hope, how to farm gold in the game and not have to kill anything.
This method is called the Auction House Manipulation technique. It's exactly what the name implies, manipulation of the Auction House in World of Warcraft.
The short version of this would be to buy cheap items and sell them for more gold to get a profit. That's pretty much the conclusion of this method, as you have to do some things first.
The downside to this is that you'll need some starting money. The more gold you have to invest in this, the better the profit. But you can start from buying just one item and selling it for profit and work your way up.
Before doing any selling and such, you need to make some research. Watch forums and the market to see what items sell the best. Once you took two or three items from there, watch their prices move up and down in the week and in the weekends.
You will notice that on some items, the price will be lower in the week time than on the weekends. You need to right down the peak of the lower price and also the peak of the higher price. Then you just buy as many items as you can when they are the cheapest, and sell them when they are the most expensive. You can even add to that if you buy all the cheap items that appear while you wait as people will need them and you will have most of them.
You will be able to make gold in WoW without having to leave a city or even have a capped character. You just check prices, put things up for sale and you'll be free to do whatever you want and still make more gold than a lot of people, who don't know how to farm gold.
Click Here: WoW gold guide.
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